Five Tips for Writing Amazing Content

Writing amazing content isn’t always easy – so we’ve put together five top tips that are guaranteed to help you write content that you’ll be proud to show off. 🥳

Write a great hook. It’s essential to grab your reader’s attention and draw them in with a brilliant first line. Make sure that it addresses the topic that you’re writing about, and leads smoothly into the rest of your piece.

Choose your tone. Decide whether you’d like your tone to be friendly, informative or authoritative. This depends on the subject and on your audience. For example, does the piece that you’re writing need to be formally written, or can you inject some humour?

Do your research. If you want to sound like an expert, you need to become an expert – or at least a bit of one! Researching the topic that you’re writing about before you start is crucial for this. Consider inserting some of the data and/or statistics that you’ve found throughout the piece, too, as this helps to establish credibility and show that you’ve done your research on the subject.

Stick to your message. Try to focus on one key message throughout the article or blog post, and continue to reiterate it throughout. Trying to communicate too many different messages at once can confuse your audience, and leave them unsure of what they’re supposed to be taking away from the piece.

Always proofread and edit. Once you’ve finished writing, always make sure to go back over it and look for any grammatical errors or inconsistencies. A simple spelling error can quickly undermine your authority and have a negative effect on the reputation of your brand.

Remember, our writers are always here to help – whether you’d like somebody to write a piece for you, or simply proofread or edit one that you’ve already written! 💗

Get in touch to find out more!