Finding Passion in your Writing

‘Marketing is really just about sharing your passion.’

– Michael Hyatt

Writing content when you’re passionate about a subject is easy! 💗

But what about when you’re not? 💭

If you’re bored or unmotivated, your writing will reflect this – and nobody wants dull marketing content! ⚡️

Here are some ways that you can ensure that passion comes across in all your writing – even if it’s a topic that you’re not passionate about! 🌿

Engage with the subject matter. Every new topic that you’re assigned to research and write about is a learning opportunity! Embrace it. 👩🏼‍💻

Reward yourself. If you’re struggling to increase your word count, set yourself some goals for each section that you complete. E.g. 100 words gets a piece of chocolate, or a full draft gets a short walk. You never know – a bit of fresh air might even give you the boost that you need! 🍫

Be disciplined. Even if it isn’t easy, it’s important to stay on track with your task. After all, you still have a deadline to meet! A good way to remain disciplined is to set a timer, write until it goes off, and then take a short break. And repeat! ⏰

Would any of these tips help you? Let us know! 🦋