Getting into a Good Writing Headspace

Anybody who spends a lot of their time writing will tell you just how important it is to be in the right headspace before getting stuck into an exciting new project. 💫

But how do you do it? 💭

Whether you’re relatively new to the writing game or you’re looking to change up your daily routine, here are some of our top tips! 💗

Fuel. When you’re writing, it’s crucial to make sure that you fuel your brain and body with plenty of nutrients. Try your best to stick to regular mealtimes, and have healthy snacks close by in case you get hungry. 🍎

Hydration. Staying hydrated is essential for staying awake, alert, and focused on your work. Keep a refillable water bottle close by, and make sure that you take regular sips. 💦

Research. Taking the time to research a topic in advance ensures that you’ll be able to write without breaking your focus to do loads of research later on. Being knowledgeable about the subject also means that your writing’s more likely to sound confident – so it’s a win win! 💻

Environment. Set up or relocate to a space where you’ll be able to do your best work. If you’re not sure what works well for you, experiment and find out! For example, you could try visiting a calm environment such as a library, listening to instrumental music through headphones, or even working from a busy cafe with lots of background noise. ☕️

Time. Always try to give yourself plenty of time to complete and edit a project. If you leave writing to the last minute and end up rushing, you may overlook simple mistakes – which can make you look unprofessional and sloppy. If a deadline seems unrealistic, then make sure that you discuss this with your client in advance (and not the day that the project is due!) ⏰

What do you do to guarantee a productive writing session? Let us know in the comments! 🌸