Tips for Organic Social Media Growth

One of our fantastic small business clients has seen their brand new Insta grow from 0 to a total of more than 100 followers – in just over one week! 💫

Organic growth may not be as fast as paid growth, but it’s definitely better for your engagement. 👩🏼‍💻

So, how do you do it? 💭

Follow accounts that are in your niche, or that are your target audience. Try to follow a mixture of well-established accounts with lots of followers, and smaller accounts. 🦋

Engage with your audience, reply to their comments and DMs, and grow your own little community. Make sure to interact with the accounts that you follow, too, by liking and commenting on their posts and sending them the occasional DM. A simple ‘I find your content so helpful’ can go a long way! 💗

Create posts that will appeal to your desired audience, and that provide value by educating, inspiring, or entertaining. Posting top tips, a ‘behind the scenes’, or even a relatable meme are all great ways to provide value! 💐

Respond to trending topics or trends that interest your audience. We’ve all seen the reactions to the #Oscars drama, haven’t we? Staying on top of what your audience is talking about can be really useful for organic growth! 🌙

Last, but not least: be consistent. Post on a regular basis, follow other accounts each week, engage as much as you can, and you should see your following increase! 🌷

Would you like our help to grow your social media? Get in touch today for a friendly chat about your goals! ⚡️