Why your Follower Count Doesn’t (Always) Matter

Repeat after me: you don’t need a huge social media following to run a successful business.⚡️

No, really! 😇

Even if you market your business primarily through social media, you don’t need to hit a certain follower milestone to attract your dream clients and start to make a profit. 💗

After all, I signed my very first client just a few weeks after launching Pink Pebble Digital on Instagram. I had less than one hundred followers, and I definitely wasn’t expecting any enquiries – but one came through, and we’re still working together today! 💐

Have a look at our tried and tested advice for attracting new clients without having a huge following:

Find your niche. This is really overused advice, but it’s overused because it’s true! When you launch your business, narrow down your target audience as much as you can – for example, why not offer bespoke marketing services for hair salons instead of simply offering marketing services? 💇🏼‍♀️

Provide value and variety. It’s important to educate your audience and market your services, but make sure that your content offers plenty of variety – explore different topics, types of post, and don’t be scared to post something funny every so often! 💕

Make the most of having a smaller audience. As your business grows, utilise the perks of having a smaller circle: engage as much as you can, and make lots of connections. This can work wonders for your engagement rate, which will encourage the algorithm to promote more of your content – so it’s a win/win! 🏆

Have a solid offering, and be confident in your services. Know what you’re bringing to the table, and market it well – and you’ll have a far better chance of attracting the clients that you want! 🌸

What’s your opinion on follower count? Is bigger REALLY better? Let us know in the comments! ⬇️