Tackling a Lack of Inspiration

‘Inspiration is the most important part of our digital strategy.’

– Paull Young

Inspiration is pretty much the source of everything when you’re a creative. So what do you do when you run out of it? 💗

Working in a role where you rely on your creativity every day can be draining, and leave you feeling lost and uninspired. 😴

If you’re feeling a slump, here are some of our favourite ways to restore inspiration and bring fun back into creativity! 🦋

✨ Go for a walk. Sometimes, all you really need is a break and a change of scenery to feel inspired. I find that I’m always refreshed by a walk in the woods or along the coast! Pay attention to your surroundings, and allow what you see and hear to inspire you. 🌊

✨ Learn something new. If you’re struggling with your creative output, why not focus on learning something instead of producing something? Read a chapter of a book, watch a YouTube tutorial, or start an online course – you might find that learning something new inspires you. And, if it doesn’t, you’ve still broadened your skills. Win/win! 📚

✨ Have a nap. If you’re feeling drained, a quick power nap might be all you need to wake up feeling refreshed. The best lengths of time to nap are either twenty minutes or one hour and thirty minutes, fitting in with our natural sleep cycles. Any longer, and you’re likely to wake up feeling groggy. 💤

✨ Do something creative. Yes, we know – being creative is why you’re feeling exhausted. But why not try being creative in a different way than usual? Paint, draw, make a collage, write a story, sew something, sing, dance – anything that’ll flex your other creative muscles. You might find that a little break, while still being creative, is just what your brain needs to think up something new and exciting! 🎨

What do you do when you need to give your inspiration a boost? Let us know in the comments! 🤩