Becoming a Better Copywriter

‘Copywriting is the most underrated skill. Most people write, so they think it’s not hard.’

– Wes Kao

If you’re reading this, you may be wondering ‘how is copywriting a skill?’ 💭

While writing itself is easy, writing WELL is a lot harder – and takes lots and lots of practice. ✍🏻

If you’re looking to improve your skills as a copywriter, here are some tips:

Research. Always take time to research the topic that you’re writing about. You’ll pick up a variety of ideas, perspectives and relevant terms, as well as facts and figures! 🔍

Know your audience. With practice, you’ll learn to adapt your style of writing and tone of voice to appeal to your target audience. For example, a research-heavy article intended for scientists is going to have a completely different tone to a lighter article written for families. 💓

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It’s important to master the basics of all three to become the best copywriter that you can be. It also gives you more authority as a writer; after all, if your article is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, how can your readers be sure that you’ve done your research on the topic itself?  Luckily, there are plenty of tools around to give you a hand – such as Grammarly, for example. 📖

Learn the craft inside out.  One of the best ways to become a better writer is to learn from others. Expose yourself to work by other writers, listen to their advice, and pick up Their tips and tricks. By reading books or articles, or listening to podcasts, you can learn from the best – often for free! 🎙

Don’t forget – we offer copywriting services, too! If you’d like to have a free, no obligation chat about your project, visit the Contact Us page to get in touch.