Big Dreams? Start Small

When you’re setting up your own business, we know it can be tempting to just dive right in. After all, this is the first step to escaping the 9-5 and achieving financial freedom on your own terms! 💵

However, while being super enthusiastic is important when you’re launching your own brand or business, enthusiasm and ideas aren’t the ONLY things you need.

Even if you’d prefer to wing it and see where the journey takes you, we recommend starting out with a plan – even if it’s just a few ideas. 💗

Take a look at our list below; you might want to make some notes! ✍🏻

✨ Branding. Your branding is the way you represent your business to the world, so it’s essential to consider when you’re first starting out! Coming up with some potential brand colours, fonts, logo ideas, and the message you’d like your branding to convey is a good first step.

✨ Marketing. First of all, identify your ideal customer – and then ask yourself how you’re going to draw them in. Do your research: what’s the best way to reach them? Do they use social media, or read local newsletters? And don’t forget to think about how you’ll ask them to contact you! 💌

✨ Finance. While you can start a business with very little money, it’s still important to keep track of your finances. This means taking into account your short term and long term financial goals, as well as noting things like start up costs (such as purchasing equipment or other fees), whether you’ll need to hire any employees or freelancers, and how you’re going to manage and keep track of your incoming and outgoing funds. Plus, don’t forget to do your due diligence in finding out which taxes or fees you’ll be responsible for paying, and consider whether you’ll need an accountant to help you with them.

We get it; you’d rather be thinking about product launches, building a dedicated customer base, and retiring at 35! But remember: pretty much every business empire you’ve ever heard of was built from the ground up. 💘

Ready to get started? 👀