Making the Most of Networking Events

Is one of your business goals to start networking more? Networking events are an amazing way to do this! 💗

Attending networking events can help you to get your name, brand and services out there in your local business community. On top of that, it’s also the perfect place to meet like-minded people, and those with more experience who you can learn from. 🌟

With this being said, we know that going to networking events can be intimidating to start with! So check out some of our top tips for staying cool, calm and collected, and making the most out of your first few events. 💘

✨ Do your research. Make sure to do some research into the types of companies who’ll be at the event before you go – will there be companies whose services you might need, or potential clients? Find out who’ll be there, and who you want to connect with. 🔍

✨ Be prepared. Make sure you have an ample supply of business cards to hand out, and that you’ve practiced an elevator pitch. This could be just a few sentences about yourself, your business, and what you’re hoping to get from the event. 📚

✨ Get there early. It’s easier to approach people and start a conversation when there’s less demand for their attention – so take advantage of this by arriving early! Even 10 or 15 minutes can make all the difference. 🕖

✨ Be brief but polite. Often at networking events, your time is limited – either as part of the event itself (such as speed dating style events) or simply because there are so many people to speak to! Practice keeping conversations short and to the point, while always remaining friendly. ☺️

✨ Follow up. Always make sure to follow up with people you spoke to at a networking event – ESPECIALLY if you’d like to work with them in the future! Consider adding them on a professional network, such as LinkedIn, and follow up with an email to thank them for their time. If you’re feeling brave and there’s more that you’d like to discuss, you could even suggest a follow up call or meeting! 💌

Do you go to networking events? What advice would you give to someone who’s new to them 💫